Katika Schultz is an experimental printmaker and artist as well as a printmaking educator. One excessively hot day in Newtown, Sydney, I met her at DRAW Space, with her new baby in tow. Her abstract prints on the walls drew me in with quiet power - the shapes and the way they layered and intersected was a beautiful kind of dance; they reminded me a little of the works of Wassily Kandinsky . We - Katika, Kean Onn See, who was with me, and I - all agreed: negative space is so important, maybe equal to (or greater than?) positive space.
Katika's works remind of jazz music, of what synesthetes maybe see when a piece of music plays and shapes and colours start sliding and vibing in the playground of the mind.

Katika Schultz. Image: supplied
Katika Schultz is the 23rd in my series of creatives to take five questions.
When my creative process is stuck, I reach for... a pen and paper. Journalling for a few days helps push out stagnant thoughts or stubborn feelings.
The weirdest thing about being a creative human is... that you see the world so abstractly, your mind can become obsessed with particular ideas, and you can't stop working on projects and linking random things together.
The most unusual object in my house is... a whale's rib bone.
I celebrate my achievements by... going out with friends or having a picnic with my partner, or a stout and some salt and vinegar chips on the porch.
Something in the world that already exists that I wish I had created is... ice cream. Ice cream is one of the best things ever invented. Texture is a must.