I HOPE THE NIGHT IS QUIET, Castle Bridge Media, 2024 – a story about a small Australian town in which absolutely everything depends on pork production. When a desperately severe drought sets in, a boy, the son of a butcher, begins to notice strange things. Featured in Castle of Horror Anthology Volume 11: Revenge, an anthology featuring the work of established and emerging horror authors from the United States, UK and Australia.
AFTER I FOUND HER, Clan Destine Press, 2023 – a story about the
unusual bond that forms between a woman and the lifelike doll she
unearths from the garbage. Featured in This Fresh Hell, an anthology
dedicated to twisting classic horror tropes and themes. Emerging and
established authors from around the world reignite and subvert horror
tropes in 19 wholly original, genre-bending stories.
Shortlisted for a 2023 Australasian Shadows Award (Long Fiction).
Praise for After I Found Her:
“… Incredibly complex and written with such command and deftness. Pregnancy and new parent horror is one of my fave subgenres and this went into all that stuff in an absolutely glorious unflinching way. Definitely not for the fainthearted.” – Nisha-Anne, Goodreads
After I Found Her ... does truly subvert the haunted doll trope with elegance and wonderful effectiveness. One person’s dream may truly be another’s nightmare. Also, there’s the line, “He is judging me. With tea.” That line! – Kyla Lee Ward, award-winning horror and dark fantasy author
THE COMPETITION, Yen magazine, 2014 – a short piece about teen girls conspiring to inflict maximum psychological and physical damage on one of their own.
Runner up for Yen magazine’s Short Story Competition.
Praise for The Competition: “This story induced a very visceral reaction for the judging panel – mortifying yet captivating. For anyone who went to a girl’s school, has known a bully or has a healthy sense of compassion, this will boil up a lot of feelings.”
BEAUTIFUL GIRLS, ACT Write, 2009 – a short story about a woman who would do anything to protect her child.
Shortlisted and highly commended for the Marjorie Graber-McInnis Short Story Award via the ACT Writers Centre.
Praise for Beautiful Girls: “A risky story of a protagonist who commits horrific deeds that tries to get you to understand why she does them.” – Valerie Parv, novelist and competition judge
CAT, 2010 – a short story is about a lonely teenage fast food worker who develops Stockholm syndrome one night when her workplace is robbed.
Shortlisted and highly commended, Marjorie Graber-McInnis Short Story Prize
Praise for Cat: “This story moved between the present and past with fluency; handled a mix of tones from slight satire to realism; and had a neat trick ending that was also somewhat credible.” – Susan Hampton, editor and competition judge
HOW A 'QUIET GIRL' GREW TO LOVE DOOM METAL, SBS Voices, 2021 – an essay exploring how live doom metal music and one inspiring Asian-Australian bassist helps Claire release the demons she holds inside. Edited by Candice Chung.
LOVE LETTER, Text Publishing, 2016 – this prize-winning love letter is a tiny memoir of love, devotion and travel around the globe.
RADNA, Rip Publishing, 2014 – an essay about Claire’s late father, the food he made, and one particular dish full of potent memories.
NEWSROOM: A SURVIVOR'S GUIDE, The Emerging Writer anthology, 2013 – this essay reflects on six and a half years in an old-school newsroom.
THE DEEP FREEZE, Voiceworks, 2005 – an interview with a man who wants to cryonically freeze himself so he can live forever.
THIS (HALF) LIFE, The Australian, 2005 – an essay exploring Claire’s sense of identity as a Chinese-Thai Australian and what it feels like to grow up with a sense of otherness, despite being Australian-born. Republished in 2019 in Insight Publications’ Year 12 English: Western Australia with an academic analysis of its themes.