Patrick Lenton is an author and journalist. I remember a Zoom book launch for his short story compilation, Sexy Tales of Paleontology. And I, a former journalist, pride myself on asking questions of each and every author whose launch I attend. And the question I had for Patrick was why was his skin so good? I'm sure I could have asked something more insightful, but you know, it was such good skin (and Patrick did indeed launch into an explanation of his routine). His book was a joy to read. My giddy consumption of his story about a "Jim Kardashian" comes to mind - everyman Jim is revealed to be a long-lost Kardashian and finds this revelation every bit as jarring as you'd expect. Patrick's portrayal of a Kardashian family meeting feels so terrifyingly accurate that you wonder if Patrick has ever snuck into matriarch Kris' house in Calabasas.
I've told Patrick that I find his writing comfortable, and by this I mean I can happily exist in the world of his words, the same way I happily exist in a soft leather jacket. When reading, say, a short non-fiction piece about his adopted greyhound, Basil, I will get through it with the same ease I bring to the demolition of a bag of chilli Kettle chips.

Patrick Lenton. Image: supplied
Patrick Lenton is the 43rd in my series of creatives to take five questions.
When my creative process is stuck, I reach for... short stories! They’re little bite-sized narratives that can help take me out of my head, without immersing myself in a novel or distracting me with television or a film. I really like the sparseness of Raymond Carver and the wit of Dorothy Parker as kinds of palate cleansers for my brain.
The weirdest thing about being a creative human is... turning everything that happens to me, every conversation, every tragedy and triumph and banality into some kind of story. Sometimes it’s ok to just experience something without taking a note, Patrick!
The most unusual object in my house is... a closet for my dog’s outfits. I think it’s normal, but people have commented on it.
I celebrate my achievements... the way that my mother taught me: good champagne and friends. To be fair, that’s also how we commiserate my failures. It’s also how we mark “Tuesdays”.
Something in the world that already exists that I wish I had created is... Schitt’s Creek. Sometimes I look at parts of that show and think it popped fully formed out of my head. Other times I am struck by how brilliant it is and realise I could never in a million years have come up with a certain joke or character or plot line. I love it and seethe with envy.
Find out more about Patrick Lenton through his website and follow him on Instagram: Patrick Lenton (@patrick_lenton) • Instagram photos and videos. His book, Sexy Tales of Paleontology, is out now wherever you buy your books. His coming book, Spite Pie, will be out in 2025 through Pantera Press.